Photography is storytelling. I live in Northern Manitoba Canada. Here photographers don’t stand shoulder to shoulder to photograph grand vistas. Ansel Adams never photographed here. The Canadian north is a harsh environment. Most feel it is an environment to be avoided. Still there are stories here.

Burntwood River

This photo was taken on the ice without a tripod. I walked out as far as I dared to get a perspective. I wanted the river to lead the viewer downstream. The silver and grey colours that dominate the photo are real. The blue wash was added post production.

Click on the photo for larger view.

Mystery Mountain

Silver and greys after an ice storm. This photo was taken after such a storm at Mystery Mountain Winter Park.

Black Spruce

Black Spruce trees dominate the forest in the north. They grow spindly, and usually less than thirty feet tall. There is permafrost in most wooded areas. The permafrost is insulated by a top layer of moss. A thin layer of soil lies between the moss and the permafrost. Tree roots grow in this thin layer. The ecosystem is fragile. If the moss is disturbed, the exposed permafrost will melt. Trees can topple.